Can you imagine the excitement of a child racing to the mailbox to discover a new, free book addressed personally to them? Thanks to the New Albany-Floyd County Education Foundation and major partners such as the Horseshoe Foundation and the Dollywood Foundation, that scene is repeated month after month for over 3,400 children in our community. The Education Foundation has distributed more than 550,000 free books to 18,000 Floyd County children since 2009!
Imagination Library of Floyd County offers a free book each month to participating children from birth until their fifth birthday. The program provides a perfect beginning for reading success in later years and a love of reading for a lifetime.
It takes only $30 to cover the cost of the program for one child for a year. You may want to sponsor one child—or many! Contributions can be mailed to the New Albany-Floyd County Education Foundation 2813 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150.
Registration for Imagination Library is really simple. Parents can register their children online at imaginationlibrary.com. Or complete and return a registration form found at many locations around our community such as your child’s school office, the New Albany-Floyd County Library, or YMCA. Or you may call the Imagination Library’s local office at 542-4001 or email bking@nafcs.k12.in.us to request a brochure or for more information.
Currently over 100 local businesses, organizations, churches, and agencies promote this program to their customers, clients, members and employees by distributing registration brochures. To assist us in promoting Imagination Library simply call the Imagination Library office to make this request (542-4001). Besides brochures, there are posters available for your place of business.
The New Albany-Floyd County Education Foundation has numerous local partners dedicated to the success of this program including Caesars Foundation of Floyd County; Samtec; Metro United Way, Community Foundation of Southern Indiana; New Albany-Floyd County Consolidated School Corporation; Indiana University Southeast, the New Albany-Floyd County Library and Metro United Way’s Success By Six.
Together we can create a community of readers!
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