Thank You to Our Donors
The NAFC Education Foundation is grateful to our donors who help us achieve our mission and vision of supporting our students and teachers. Your generous contributions during the 2023-24 year enabled us to provide essential resources and opportunities, foster educational excellence, and brighten the future of our school community. Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to our cause.
323Ink LLC
Ashley Abbott
Matt Abel
Pamela Adam
Barbara Adams
Harold Adams
Kenny and Stacy Adams
Melva Adams
Michele Adams
Susan Adams
Travis and Brittany Adams
William and Alicia Adams
Brad and Nicole Albert
Barbara Alexander
Rachel Ali
Yolanda Ali
ALL IN Pediatrics
Brittany Allen
Alpha Club
Altrusa International Club of New Albany
Amanda Hines Inc.
William and Ruth Amerson
AML Inc.
Madison Amy
Lindsay Anderson
Luchy Anderson
Mike Anderson
Natalie Anderson
Patti Anderson
Phyllis Andres
Elizabeth Andrews
Elaine Ang
Vivian Angeles
Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Chelsea Antonioli
Billy and Jyl Applegate
Aqua Utility Services, LLC
Aramsco, Inc.
K. Joan Archibald Carver
Greg Armstrong
Marcia Arnold
Micah and Mary Arnold
Jo Ash
Assured Partners
Dustin Goodlet
Carol Atnip
Lesley Austin
Wallace Austin
Amy Avdevich-Akin
Patty Avery
Mary Beth Hackman
Betsy Baker
Lonita Baker
Yolanda Baker
Lexi Ball
Karen Ballard
Emma Balmer
Melissa Balmer
Sarah Balmer
Berniece Banet
Brigg Banet
Cheryl Banet
Erin Banet
Gary and Angie Banet
Owen Banet
Paul and Rebecka Banet
Bryson and Teshea Barbee
Ashlyn Barker Salyer
David and Debra Barksdale
Amber Barr
Jason and Sarah Barr
Audrey Barrett
Melissa Bartley
Nicole Basham
Bobby Bass
Cleo Battle
David and Laura Bauer
Kara Baumann
Scott Baumann
Amanda and Tim Beam
Floyd Beanblossom
Bearno’s Floyds Knobs LLC
Adriene Beaven
Brittany Becht
Ashton Beck
David and Teresa Becker
Nancy Beeler
Brian and Morgan Beers
Rick Belcher
David Bell
Diana Bell
Carolyn Bellamey
Brooklyn Belviy
Bobbie Jo Benales
Madalyn Bennett
Rebecca Benning
Darren and Stephanie Bensing
Troy and Leah Bensing
Linda Bentley
Vicki Benton Moore
Jessica and Matt Bergman
Ashley Best
Best-One Kentuckiana
Kerri Betancourt-Neal
Mark and Bobbi Bickers
Rex and Marcia Bickers
BJ Black
Bradley and Tamara Black
Karissa Blackford
Margie Blair
Becky Blaylock
Michael Blaylock
Alissa Bledsoe
James and Carol Blevins
Mark and Patricia Bliss
Tyler and Megan Bliss
Kevin and Kristen Boehnlein
Donna Boesing
Scott and Andrea Bogdon
Amber Bolen
Richard and Dawn Boling
Mark and Christy Boone
Steve and Anita Boone
Tina Bostock
Christina Bottorff
Angela Bowenz
Brice Bowley
Bryan Bowley
W. Scott Bowling
Angela Bowman
Ashley Bowman
Amanda Braden
Holly Braden
Heather Bradley
Emily Branham
Jeffery and Jessia Branham
Addison Braswell
Aimee Bratcher
Kelly Bratener
Merla Braune
The Brave Heart Foundation
Julie Brewer
Juliana Brewer
Brandon Brewster
Erica and Marty Brieschke
Lori Brillhart
Tom Brillhart
Christopher and Leslie Broadus
Taylor Broadus
Donnie and Kelly Brock
Tyler and Lauren Broderick
Gage Brogan
Adrian and Cristi Brown
John Brown
Joseph L Brown
Lindsey Brown
Matt and Lindsay Brown
Veronica Brown
Buds in Bloom
Kevin Buechler
Mike Burch
J. Scott and Tracy Burch
Kate Burger
Dee Dee Burke
Rebecca Burks
Steven Burks
Eric Burres
Hannah Butcher
Katie Butler
Megan Byler
Rolandas Byrd
Courtney Byrne
Caesars Foundation of Floyd County
Emily Cain
Tim Calhoun
Callistus Smith Agency
Shawn Calloway
James and Rebecca Cambron
Amy Campbell
Jana Campbell
Barbara Cannon
Jillian Cantu
Stu and Veronica Cape
Cindy Carlisle
Jeri Carlyle
Vicki L Carmichael
Bill and Dedra Carricato
Dedra Carricato
Olivia Marie Carrico
Cheryl Carroll
Sandra Carter
Carter Lumber
Ben and Michele Cassady
Whitney Cassady
Christy Cates
Drew Cato
Connor Caudill
Mindy Cavan
Centra Credit Union
Jeffrey and Michelle Cerqueira
Certa Pro
William Chanley
Gina Chapman
Kristi Charbonneau
Christian and Melody Jane Chastain
Sherry Cheatham
Cherry Bekaert
Church Church Hittle & Antrim
Church, Langdon, Lopp, Banet Law
City of New Albany
Mark Clark
Clark County REMC
Stacy Clarke
Shannon Clary
Erin Clayton
Brian Clemons
Michael Cluver
Jacqueline Cobb
Lachlan and Terri Coffey
Janis Coffman
Michael and Lindsay Coffman
Michael and Lara Collett
Julie Collings
Frank and Lethia Collins
Veronica Combs
Michael and Krista Comer
Community Foundation of Southern Indiana
Brad Condra
Taylor Condra
Julie Connor
Keith and Marianne Conrad
Amy Cooper
David Cooper
Michelle Cooper
Mark and Christina Copelli
CORE Construction
Ashley Cotner
Nikki Cox
Brad Crace
Hannah Craddock
Mitchell Craig
Karen Crawford
Donna Creamer
Evan and Tara Crecelius
Danielle Cristian
Yvette Crone
David and Donna Cullen
Callie Cunningham
Brenda and Mury Cunningham
Beth Custis
CWF Central Christian Church
Jessica Slaughter
John and Mindy Dablow
William Daily
Dan Cristiani Excavating Co., Inc.
Ashley Dankovich
Mike and Kristy Dankovich
Luke Darrah
Cathy Davenport
David Bauer Team, LLC
Chelsey Davis
Rebecca Davis
Rebecca and Drew Davis
Sarah Davis
Tracy Davis
Davis Jewelers
Ashley Davis-Sigman and Jay Sigman
Joel and Michele Day
Derek and Chandler Deakin
Valerie Deaton
Suzanne Deem
Ryan DeFranco
Raymond and Becky DeFrance
Delta Epsilon Sorority
Matthew Denison
Diana Denman
Amanda Dennison
Nancy Dent
Glenn Dethy
Mark and Ruth Ann Deuser
Dennis Dewit
Adam and April Dickey
James Dickman
Scott Dietrich
Jackie Dillon
Lydia Dillow-DeWeese
Marcus and Dayna Doddridge
Lynn Dohoney
Janice Dooley
Ralph and Judith Dooley
Brian J. Douce
Craig Dowdell
Amy Downs
Mark Doyle
Dr. Black’s Eye Associates
Cheryl Dragon
Gwendolyn Dragoo
Angie Drane
Michelle Draper
Shannon Driskell
J.R. Drummond
DeMonttte Dudes
Uric Duferne
Tony Duffy
Duke Energy Indiana, LLC
Amy Duncan
David and Jennifer Dunn
Stephen and Jetta Dunsford
Theresa and Bob Durbin
Robin Durham
Robin Durhan
Amellia Dusch
Brett and Faye Eades
Tim and Stacy Eads
Earth First of Kentuckiana
Carrie East
Veronica Eastridge
Amy Eberle
Paul and Kathleen Eckert
René Eckstein
Lydia Edelen
Marie Edling
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Bill Kaiser
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Bobby Ritz, AAMS
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Brad Rumple, AAMS
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Greg Nash
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Kevin M Boehnlein, AAMS
Edward Jones – Financial Advisor: Todd Klinglesmith
Kenneth and Deanne Eichenberger
Taylor Eiler
Brittany Eisner
Jameson Elkin
Mike and Leigh Ann Elles
Maryanne Elliott
Doug Elmore
Paige Elmore
Charlotte Elswick
Jane and Ronald Elzy
Cheryl Emerine
Briddgitte Emmert
Justin and Kara Endres
Amber Endris
Lois Endris
Karen Engle
Michelle Engle
Stephanie Engle
ERS Wireless
Emily Essex
Karen Estus
Mark Evans
O. George and Nancy Everbach
Saundra Eversole
Everwise Credit Union
Eye Associates of Southern Indiana, PC
Facilities Management Services, Inc.
Katie Fahy
Heather Faith
Ashley Farmer
Farmers Tobacco Co of Cynthiana, Inc.
Melissa Farnsley
Jordan Fath
Christina Faulkner
Toska Feather
Jeff and Lisa Feeney
Michelle Ferree
Ashley Fields
Amber Finley
Melissa Finley
Jeremy and Natasha Finn
Jerome and Jill Finn
First Savings Bank
Diane Fischer
Eleni Fischer
Greg Fischer
Emily Fisher
Beth Fitzgerald
Angela Fitzgibbon
Lindsey Fleming
Lyn Fletcher
Marilene Fletcher
Flooring Concepts, Inc.
Elines Flores
Floyd Central Athletic Department
Floyd Central High School
Floyd Central High School PTO
Floyds Knobs Elementary
Diane Fogg
Debbie Ford
Philip Forkert
Candy Fox
Sara Fox
Molly Frank
Payton Fravel
Rob Frazier
Idris and Tanisha Frederick
Philip and Albertina Freiberger
Timothy and Barbara Freiberger
Sarah French
Marita Friedli Witten
Friend of the NAFC Education Foundation
Trey and Katyn Fulton
William and Jill Fulton
Gina Fultz
Jeff and Susanne Gahan
Emily Gallagher
Aaron Gallegos
Sheila Galvin
Rebecca Gardenour
Abby Gardner
Christina Gardner
Travis Gardner
Roberta Kay Gasaway
Gastroenterology of Southern Indiana
Justin and April Geltmaker
Geo. Pfau’s Sons Co., Inc.
German American Bancorp
Matthew and Melissa Gettelfinger
Randy and Heather Gianfagna
Amy Gibson
Blake Gilley
Ruth Gilmore
Terry and Carol Ginkins
Brian and Ashley Gipe
Ginger Givens
Sara and Robert Glass
Angela and Keith Glotzbach
Kendra Glotzbach
Malia Glotzbach
Joe and Melissa Glover
Roger Goforth
Amanda Gohmann
Melanie Goins
Blair Goldschmidt
Katherine Goodknight
Dustin Goodlet
Abby Gordon
Savannah Goss
Cullen and Autumn Grasty
Melissa Gream
Elijah Green
Craig Greenberg
Greenville Elementary PTO
Robin Greenwell
Debbie Stumler
Stephanie Gregory
Pam Grieb
Steve Griffin
Trudy Grimes
Donna Groan
John Groan and Laura Gilmore
Ronald Grooms
Allison Groves
GSI Systems Inc
Max Guenther
Cheryl Guess
Virginia and Edward Guilford
Amanda Gulley
Rob Gullion
Kim Guy
Nanci Habermel
Ryan Hadley
Stephen and Debbie Haeberlin
Abigail Hagan
Jan and Travis Haire
Pat Hale
Kim Haley
Victoria Haley
Ann Hall
John and Deby Hall
Kara Hall
Amanda Hamilton
Jennie Hamilton
Stacey Hamilton-Nance
Jennifer Hamlin
Chuck and Julie Hammond
James Hammond
Susan Hammond
Angela Hampton
Donald and Sharon Hanen
Judith Hanen
Jana Hankins
Bill Hanson
LaVonne Happel
Peggy Hardaway
Bridget Hardesty
Traci Hardy
Harland Clarke
Maggie Harlow
Emily Harm
Reid Harmon
Beatrice Harper
Nora Harper
Rebecca and Todd Harrett
Mindy Harrington
Ken and Ranida Harris
Lori Harris
Lenny and Kim Hartlage
Daniel Hartman
Joseph and Karen Hartman
Ronald Hartman
Hartman Dental of New Albany
Briston Hatchell
Andrea Hausz
Renee Hausz
Mark Haviland
Shelly Haworth
Hazelwood Middle School PTO
Wendy Headrick
Theodore Hearvrin
Zachary Hebert
Angela Heid
Hudson and Julie Heidbreder
Ruth Heideman and Ronald Reed
Kelly Heil
Christine Heiligenberg
Robin Heitz
Cheryl Heldman
Maggie Helton
Leslie Craig Henderzahs
David and Melissa Hendrix
Richard and Patricia Henson
Corey and Shelby Herbig
Laura Herder
Heritage Engineering
John and Sarah Herley
Desiree Herron
Rebecca Hertle
HES Facilities, LLC
Alan and Judy Hess
Troy Hess
Michele Heuglin
Tanisha Hickerson
Ryan and Jenny Higbie
Abigail Higginbottom
Nancy Higgins
Highland Hills Middle School
Highland Hills Middle School PTO
Tom and Elizabeth Hilbrich
Megan Hill
Penny Hill
Cynthia Himburg
DJ and Cynthia Hines
August and Carol Hinz
Zoe Hittner
Lisa Hobson
Jessica Hogan
Jodi Hogan
Melanie Hoke
Lorie Hollis
DeVone Holt
Jennifer Holt
Rob and Lauren Holtzmann
James Homrighausen
Barbara Hoover
Vincent Hopper
Casey and Jill Hornung
Linda Hornung
Matthew and Julia Hott
William and Mary Howard
Leland Howard
Zach Howard
Jay and Lori Howell
Chandler and Abby Howerton
Sharon Howlett
Travis and Kathleen Hubbuch
Jan Huber
Leah Huber
Valerie Huber
Denise Hublar
Amy Hucker
Carolyn Huffman
Cory Huffman
Scott and Paula Hughes
Anthony and Robin Hunchman
Mackenzie Hupp
Paul Hutchinson
Matthew Hyde
Ice Miller LLP
Daniel Iles
Indiana Members Credit Union
Indiana University Southeast
AJ and Taylor Ingram
Insulated Roofing Contractors
Sherri Isgrigg
Shawn and Wendy Ivey
Ivy Tech Southern Indiana
Angel Jackson
Angela Jackson
Karie Jackson
Marilyn Jackson
Elaine Jacobi
Eric and Christy Jacobi
Suzanne Ponder
Trent and Elizabeth Jacobi
Jacobi Oil Service, Inc.
Gary and Kristina Jacoby
Ishita Jain
Kristi James
Angela Jaquemai
Rick and Karen Jarboe
Alexis Jenkins
Carol Jenkins
Chris and Krista Jenkins
Corey Jenkins
Mark and Stacy Jenkins
Rebecca Jenkins
Stacy Jenkins
Louis and Sally Jensen
Ricke Jensen
John F Trompeter Co
Melinda Johns
Carie Johnson
Haley Johnson
Jason Johnson
Jody Johnson
Michael and Lisa Johnson
Phillip and Theresa Johnson
Robert Johnson
Shannon Johnson
Emory Jones
Philip Jones
Robert Jones
Thomas and Lora Jones
Charles and Diane Jordan
Missy Julian
Kahl’s Body Shop
Ann Kaiser
Erin Kaiser
Mark and Amy Kaiser
Michael Kaiser
Kaiser Wholesale, Inc.
Amie Kane
Chris Kane
Kappa Kappa Kappa (Nu Chapter)
Natalie Katt
Brian Kehrer
Bethany and Kyle Keith
Ben and Christine Kelley
Joe Kelly
James Kemp
Connie Kemple
Sean Kennedy
Anthony and Jennifer Kern
Todd and Ashley Kessinger
Roger and Lois Ketterer
Matthew Kidd
Kiesler Electric LLC
Erica Kimmel
Andy King
Brad King
James and Becky King
Kelly Kingsley
Alison Kirby
Anne Kirk
Bob and Deanna Kleehamer
Mark and Kristi Klimesh
Jennifer Kling
Scott Klink
David and Mona Klinstiver
Alfred and Jessica Knable
Cynthia Knight
Emily Knight
Renee Koch
Kochert Insurance
Jessica Koeppel
Zackarey Koetter
Kolton Kaiser Foundation, Inc.
Gregory and Anna Kordsmeier
Joshua Kornberg
Tim Korte
Chad Kraft
Allen and Paula Krebs
Leonard and Meri Krebs
Elizabeth Kreilein
Emma Kreilein
Anthony and Tammy Kruer
David and Kathy Kruer
Katie Kruer
Kelsie Kruer
Phillip Kruer
Amy Kuhman
Norma Jean Kupferer
Nancy Ladd
Casey LaDuke
Drew and Kimberly Lamaster
Todd and Lindy Lamkin
Kirsty Lamon
Todd Lancaster
Beth Landis
Jeanne Landrum
Angela Lane
Neal and Carmen Lang
Melissa Langdon
Steven and Karen Langdon
Mary Lanum
Julie and Mike Larner
Larry G. Weiss, Inc.
Barbara Lawrence
Janet Leach
Meghan Leezer
Legacy Pizza and Bakery
Marie Leitner
Deborah Lemmon
Kyle Lenn
James and Jennifer Leonard
Amy Letke
Adam and Jennifer Lewis
David Lewis
Kendra Lewis
Erika Lewis-Hargrove
Leslie Lewis-Sheets
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Jeff Libs
Robert and Julie Libs
Libs Paving Co, Inc.
Jeff and Nicole Liddle
David and Pam Lieber
Cindy Light
Alexandria Lilly
Caitlin Lilly
Pat Lilly
Lilly LLC
Xiaojing Lin
Allie Lincoln
Danielle Lindsey
Mary Linne-Saylor
Pam Litch
LMH Architecture
Sherry Logsdon
Jennifer London
Elaine Lonnemann
Don and Melissa Lopp
Basil and Vivian Lorch
Matthew and Kelly Lorch
Adam Lord
Deborah Loyd
Ray and Meredith Lucas
Steven and Jodi Lukinovich
Ruth Lutz
Ronald and Jennifer Lyles
MacAllister Transportation
Ann MacArthur
Carrie Magers
Cyntheia Maitland
Lisa Malloy
Ashley Manger
Corrie Manning
Shane Maples
Rocelle Marquis
Charles and Anna Marsh
John Marsh
John Marshall
Maggie Marshall
Dennis Martin
Rick and Jean Martin
Stephanie Martin
Tim and Jennifer Martin
Angie Masingo
Jeff Mason
Stanley and Claudetta Mason
Edward and Dinah Massey
Kaitlin Master
Stephanie Matthews
Andrew Mattingly
Courtney Mattox
Karen Mayer-Sebastian
Jess Mayfield
Matthew and Christina Mayfield
V. Joseph Maynard
Lauren Mcafee
Faye McAnelly
Ginny McCammon
Tracy McCarty
Robin and Matt McCollough
Gina McCowan
Stephanie McCray
Shaun and Taylor McDaniel
Molly McDonald
Nathan and Natalie McGarvey
Betty McGee
Adam McGuirk
Laura McGuirk
Jamie Mckain-Crick
Mark McKay
Sherri McKeen
Kelly McKingley
Caroline McKinney
Mindy McKnight
Karen McLean
Sarah McMartney
Justin and Amanda McMonigle
Charles and Anita McMonigle
Stacey Meadors
Sharon Mennett
Kevin and Pamela Meriwether
Jackie Merrill
Abagayle Merten
Beth Metelko
Metro United Way
Angie Metzmeier
Paula Meunier
Ashley Meyer
David Michell
Shannon Michell
Michell Allen Ritz Architects
Jennifer Middleton
Jillian Mifflin
Hannah Miles
Randy and Debbie Miles
Amber Miller
Barry and Jamie Miller
Mac and Amy Miller
Michelle Miller
Timothy and Kelly Miller
Todd Miller
Andrew and Allison Milliner
Eric Mink
Becky and Scott Minton
Nancy Mires
William Mischler
Cory Missi
Whitney Missi
Dean Mistler
Spencer Mitchell
Tammy Moakler
Leslie Mobley
David Modica
Vanessa Moeller
Miguel Monroy
Amy Moore
Amber Morgan- DeWitt
Emily Morgan-Smitley
Christopher Morris
Dan and Holly Morris
Joanne Morris
Sandra Morris
The Mortenson Charitable Foundation
Brittany Morton
Scott Morton
Tina Morton
Marsha Mosking
Jacklyn Moss
Jeffrey and Calise Mossler
The Mossler Fund
Gary Motley
Jay and Suzanne Motsinger
David and Kristin Mull
Aimee Mullis
Clark and Nellie Mumaw
Laura and Alan Muncy
Mariam Munoz
Miriam Munoz
Carol Murphy
Heather Murray
Paige Murray
Kelly Myers
Thomas and Cheryl Myers
NAHS Class of 1979
Jayme Nall
Gregory Nash
Cynthia Nassim
Adam and Brittany Naville
Bekah Naville
John and Marianne Naville
Jason and Kendra Neafus
Thadeous Neafus
Robin Neagle
R. Gregory and Vicki Neely
Trisha Neudorff
Courtney Neville
Nathan and Ashley Nevin
Pam Nevin
New Albany Floyd Co. School Corp
New Albany High School Football
New Albany Housing Authority
New Albany Lions Club
New Washington State Bank
New York Life – GBS
Mike and Sally Newkirk
Tammy Newton
Arthur and Amy Niemeier
Chris and Tracy Noble
Madeline Noll
Robert Norton
Norton & Associates Plumbing
Melissa Norwood
Victoria Nugent
Mark and Lori O’Connell
Donna O’Connor
Kelly O’Connor
Amanda Ogle
Drew and Jami Ogle
Ashley Oliver
Linda Aemmer
Rob and Jennie Olmstead
Katlin Orr
Matt and Leigh Anne Owens
Christopher and Jodi Pace
Pacers and Racers
Jenna Padgett
Amy Palmer
Tamika Palmer
Pampered Chef
Papa John’s USA
Colleen Parker
Dennis and Beverly Parr
Tisha Parris
Amanda Patton
Amy Paul
Amber Payne
James and Debbie Payne
Kelly Payne
Matthew and Kelly Payne
Mike Payne
PC Home Center
Marna Peay
Amber Pedolzky
Matthew and Leslie Pendleton
Taylor Perez
Performance Services, Inc.
Juan and Danielle Perioago
Heather Peters
Jason and Crystal Peterson
Sharon Peyton
Michael and Taylor Phelps
Pauline Phillips
Kenny Pickerrell
Janice Pielemeier
Jim Pierce and Vicki Hays Pierce
Maureen Pierce
Sarah Pierce
Michelle Piper
Holly Pittman
Carl and Nancy Platt
Heidi and Allen Platt
Plumbers Supply
Robert Plunkett
Rodney Plunkett
Samantha Poindexter
Suzanne Ponder
Lucas Poteet
Jim and Debbie Potter
Susan Powers
PPG Paints
Brenda Prather
Brittany Price
Taylor Prichard
Justine Primavera
Jacob Prince
Steven and Deborah Prince
Laura Probus
Sherri Probus
Bryan Proctor
Allison Pruit
Kristopher and Jessica Pugh
Jeremy and Carrie Quillo
Anne Ragains
Courtney Raines
Zoe Raines
Katherine Rampley
Carrie Ransom
Ratio Architects
Julie Rayborn
Mary and John Reas
Bethany Reavis
Colin and Amanda Receveur
Alison Reece
Alton and Yolanda Reed
Penne Reed
Kimberly Regan
Lisa and Greg Reger
Eric and Tracey Reid
Jennifer Reifsnider
Chasity Reising
Ellen Reising
Peggy Renn
Jeanna Renner
Tabitha Resener
Edward and Sally Reutebuch
David and Khin Reynolds
Latoya Rhinvil
Melissa Richards
Dawn Riddle
Chelsea Riggle
Hannah Righthouse
Jennifer Righthouse
Donna Riley
Sarah Riley
Robert and Katherine Ritz
Riverside Technologies
Scott and Joy Roach
Susan Robbins
Eric and Rebekah Robinson
Richard and Donna Robinson
Jaynie Rockhill
Brandon and Andrea Rogers
Brent and Kim Rogers
Ellen Rogers
Matt Rogers
Roof Management, Inc.
Clayton Rose
Michael and Lori Rose
Jason and Hannegan Roseberry
Thomas Rosenbarger
Kim Rosenberger
Rotary Foundation of New Albany, Inc.
Lesa Roth
Mike and Cara Rothrock
Norman Rowe
RT Solutions
Grant and Molly Rubesh
Lauren Rumpel
Brad and Jennifer Rumple
Katie Russell
William and Martha Ryall
S group
Dennis and Sandra Samsel
Samtec, Inc.
Matt and Alyssa Sandlin
Marcy and Rory Satkoski
Laura Sauer
Lori Savage
Melissa Saxon
Missy Saxon
Mandy Scarbrough
Ryan Schad
Deana Schaffer
Robert and Julia Schamel
Daniel and Rose Schilmiller
Brian Schmidt
Daniel Schmidt
Ethan and Elaine Schmidt
Louis and Karen Schmitt
Allison Schneider
Casey Schneider
Pam Schneider
Debi Schoen
Dave and Kim Schoengart
Stan and Linda Schooler
Carrie Schreck
Joy and Chris Schroeder
Paige Schueler
Schuler Bauer Real Estate Services
Schuler Homes, Inc.
Jenifer Schultz
Mike and Jenifer Schultz
Shawna Schuppert
Science, Engineering and the Environment LLC
Chad and Sally Scott
Vaughan and Jill Scott
Brian and Jennifer Scroggins
Kathy Sears
Bekki Sebolt
Hayden Seelye
Meredith Seewer
Rachel Seitz
Eva Seymour
Matt and Amanda Shanahan
Amy Shanks
Jim Shannon
Jason Sharp
Shane Sharp
Jennifer Shartzer
Mary Shepherd
Samuel Sher
Sherwin Williams
Louanne (Mary) Shields
Kathleen Shiner
David and Katie Shiner
M. Scott and Beth Ann Shireman
Shireman Construction Management, Inc.
William Shobe
Anjeannette Shontee
Kendall Shourds
Reagan Shourds
Shrout Tate Wilson
Mark and Robin Shuff
Douglas and Teresa Sidebottom
Lori Siefke
Mark and Aisline Siener
Tim Sierota
Sign Solutions, Inc.
Signature Mortgage
Stacy Sillings
Jessica Simler
Amanda Simmons
Brandon and Andrea Sisson
Laurie Skaggs
Julie Skillman
Don and Janette Slone
Sara Small
Brooke Smith
Debbie Smith
Jeff Smith
Jody Smith
Lindsay Smith
Lynn Smith
Melanie Smith
Ruth Smith
Shari Smith
Stephanie Smith
Tyler Smith
Victoria Smith
Smith Broady and Associates, Inc
Glen and Pamela Snow
Haley Soeder
Southern Indiana United Soccer
Quincy and Emily Sowder
Jessica Spainhour
James and Ellen Sparrow
Heather Spencer
Christi Spitznagel
Sprigler Door Service, Inc.
Joyce Spurgeon
James St. Clair
Sherry Stanfield
Sara Starks
Danelle Staser
Darren State
Andrew and Katherine Stein
Kate Stein
Stein Law Office LLC
Ann Steiner
Jordan Stengel
Douglas Stephens
Marlene Stephens
Amy Stephenson
LO Stepp
Josh and Heather Stevens
Lewie and Therese Stevens
James Stewart
Julie Stewart
Kiya and Mark Stewart
Susan Stewart
David and Betty Stickels
Stifel Nicolaus & Co Inc
Christopher and Carrie Stiller
Brett and Heather Stillwell
Janet Stites
Brad Stith
Daniel and Paige Stolberg
Cathy Stoner
Eric Stout
Chris and Casey Street
Brad and Hannah Striegel
Striegel Family Dentistry LLC
Paige Strolberg
Chris and Maleah Stroud
Clint and Cindy Stroud
James Stroud
Studio Kremer Architects
Todd Sturgeon
LuAnne Suer
Lizzie Suiter
Brian Sullivan
Margaret Sullivan
Lawrence Swan
Carissa Sweeney
Alan Sword
Stephanie Taggart
Ally Tandy
Lauren Tanoury
George and Cheryl Tansey
Maureen Tarquini
C. Garrett and Alexandra Taylor
Craig and Laura Taylor
Shelly Taylor
TEG Architects (Orcutt | Winslow)
Melissa TenBarge
Gregg and Jamie Thevenot
Adrienne Thomas
Angela Thomas
Debra Thomas
Diana Thomas
Hannah Thomas
Jeff Thomas
Richard and Trina Thomas
Nicole Thompson
Tiffany Thompson
Tracy Thompson
Eric and Natalie Thurston
Joshua Tierney
Steven Tinius
Paul and Judy Todd
Adam Togami
Tony Toran
Stephanie Tostaine
Nathan Tracy
TransACT Communications
Kelly Trask
Joseph M. Trautman
Treasurer of Floyd County, Indiana
Charlanne Tunison
Rachel Turnage
Beth Turton
Amanda Uhl
Jonnie Sue Uhl
Katelyn Uhl
Katrina Uhl
Matt Uhl
Uhl Truck Sales, Inc.
Daryle Unseld
Brittney Utley
Charles Utley
Elizabeth Utz
Robbie Valentine
Derek VanVactor
Christy and Jason Vaughn
Nick Vaughn
Misty Vermillion
Daniel Vierling
Ben Vigar
Howard and Barbara Vigar
Jenna Vigar
Visiting Angels Of New Albany
Tessa Vittitoe
Viva Art
Alice Volpert
Sarah Wagner
Shawn and Allison Wagner
Lauren Wagoner
Robert L. Waiz Jr.
John and Pati Walker
Ronald and Sharon Wall
Jeffrey Wallace
Brandon and Kayla Waller
Logan and Whitney Walsh
Carol Walton
Jerry Walton
Wanda Bennett Estate
Kyle Wanke
Stephanie Ward
Brittney Ward Law
Heather Ware
Michael and Nicole Warren
Pamela Warren
Perry Warren
Kellie Watson
Stephanie Watson
Cindy Weber
Richard and Cynthia Weber
Keith and Jami Weckstein
Tina Weidner
Terry and Keri Weilbaker
Brian and Janet Weimer
Sarina Weiss
Amy Welborn
Michele Wells
WesBanco Bank, Inc.
Cody and Shelby West
Alyssa Wheatley
Keith Whitaker
Shannon Whitaker
John and Sara Whitbeck
Carri White
Tammy White
H.L. and Sally Whitis
Sara Whitten
Timothy Whitten
David and Jill Wiegman
Elizabeth Wiegman
Matthew and Jessica Wiegman
Debbie Wilburn
Alicia Wild
Ann Williams
Carl and D’Andrea Williams
Larissa Williams
Rachel Williams
Dan and Vicki Williamson
Danielle Williamson
David and Joanna Willis
Jared Willis
Myra Willis
Marietta Willman
Rob and Megan Willman
Charles and Debra Ann Wilson
Darrell Wilson
Julie Wilson
Melissa Wilson
Jackie Wilson-Rudy
Angie Winchester
Cindy Winzler
Lindsay Wirtz
William and Mary Wiseheart
Raymond and Donna Wisman
Lynn Wolkinson
Elizabeth Wooden
Chauncey Woodfork
Melody Woosley
Ryan Woosley
Donna and Gary Wooten
Kamari Wooten
Stephen Worland
Josh and Ashley Woten
Brittany Wright
Jennifer Wright
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP
Harold Yankey
Nicole Yates
Sheridan Todd Yeary
Donald and Nancy York
Sara Yates
Angela Young
Jeannie Young
Young, Lind, Endres & Kraft
Stuart and Anne Youngblood
Youth Philanthropy Council of Community Foundation of Southern Indiana
Zesto of Floyd County, Inc.
Ronald Zipp
Robin Zipper
Samantha Zoller
Alan and Sharon Zollman
William Zurschmiede
Every effort has been made to ensure this list accurately includes all of our generous donors. However, if you notice any errors or omissions, please send an email to so we can promptly address and correct the information.